Vietnam Visa Online Application Form

Visa on arrival is an alternative option to apply for a visa to Vietnam. This type of visa is picked up at arrival airport and applicable to travelers coming to Vietnam by air.

Visa on arrival is a particular advantage for those who live far from the Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in their countries. The applicants neither have to go to the Embassy nor have to send out the passport.

By this way, one only needs at least 02 working days for normal processing and 01 working day for urgent processing (or only 02 – 04 working hours for super urgent processing) to get a pre-approval letter issued by Vietnam Immigration Department. This document acts as an official permission allowing the visa applicants to get on flight and get actual visa stamped onto their passports upon arrival at Vietnam international airports. Here we learn about Visa online Vietnam.

Vietnam Visa Online Application Form

1. Vietnam Visa Application Form

In this post, we will introduce to you 2 Vietnam visa forms required for getting a visa on arrival.

The first is the Vietnamese Visa application form (also known as Entry and exit form). This form is required for all travelers to Vietnam with visa on arrival.



(Dùng cho người nước ngoài – For foreigners)


1- Họ tên (chữ in hoa):…………………………………………………………………………………………………..            Full name (in capital letters)   

2- Giới tính:   Nam          Nữ                     3- Sinh ngày…….tháng…….năm………………..   Sex               Male    Female                                     Date of birth (Day, Month, Year)

4- Nơi sinh:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….     Place of birth   

5- Quốc tịch gốc: ……………………………………….6- Quốc tịch hiện nay:…………………………….

    Nationality at birth                                                Current nationality

7- Tôn giáo: ……………………………………………….8- Nghề nghiệp: ………………………………………

Religion                                                                  Occupation

9- Nơi công tác: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Employer and business address

10- Địa chỉ thường trú: …………………………………………………………………………………………………

     Permanent residential address

…………………………………………………………………….Số điện thoại/Email:……………………………


11- Thân nhân Family members:



12- Hộ chiếu/giấy tờ có giá trị đi lại quốc tế số: ……………………..loại (4): ……………..

Passport or International Travel Document number                          Type

Cơ quan cấp:  …………………………….. có giá trị đến ngày:………/…………./…………………

Issuing authority:                                Expiry date (Day, Month, Year)

13- Ngày nhập cảnh Việt Nam gần nhất (nếu có): …………………………………………….

Date of the previous entry into Viet Nam (if any)

14- Dự kiến nhập cảnh Việt Nam ngày ……/………/………; tạm trú ở Việt Nam …….ngày               Intended date of entry (Day, Month, Year)         Intended length of stay in Viet Nam       days

15- Mục đích nhập cảnh: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Purpose of entry

16- Dự kiến địa chỉ tạm trú ở Việt Nam:…………………………………………………….

Intended temporary residential address in Viet Nam

17- Cơ quan, tổ chức hoặc cá nhân tại Việt Nam mời, bảo lãnh

Hosting organisation/individual in Viet Nam

Cơ quan, tổ chức: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name of hosting organisation

Địa chỉ: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Cá nhân (họ tên) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Hosting individual (full name)

Địa chỉ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Quan hệ với bản thân ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

 Relationship to the applicant

18- Trẻ em dưới 14 tuổi đi cùng hộ chiếu (nếu có):

 LVN Groupompanying child(ren) under 14 years old included

in your passport (if any)

19- Đề nghị cấp thị thực:        một lần             nhiều lần

 Applying for a visa                    Single              Multiple

từ ngày: ………/……./..……..  đến ngày………/……./..……..                                       

valid  from (Day, Month, Year) to (Day, Month, Year)                       

20- Đề nghị khác liên quan việc cấp thị thực (nếu có):……………………………………………….

Other requests (if any)


Tôi xin cam đoan những nội dung trên là đúng sự thật.

I declare to the best of my knowledge that all the above particulars are correct

Làm tại: ……………. ngày ……..tháng …….năm ………….

Done at                    date (Day, Month, Year)

                                                                 Người đề nghị (ký, ghi rõ họ tên)                                                                                                                                           

The applicant’s signature and full name

  • Fill out the form and sign it.
  • Glue a photo 4x6cm at right left corner + prepare 01 additional photo with the same size.
  • Prepare cash to pay for your visa: 25 USD for a single entry visa, or 50 USD for 1-3 months multiple entry visa, or 95 USD for 6 months multiple entry visa, or 135 USD for 1-year multiple entry visa.

2. How to Fill Out Vietnamese Visa Application Form

Vietnamese visa application form (or formerly known as Vietnam entry and exit form or Vietnam visa on arrival form) is a required form for foreigners who are traveling to Vietnam by air with a visa approval letter to get the visa on arrival for Vietnam. It is shown at Vietnam airport VOA/Landing visa counter together with the visa letter to get visa stamped. Therefore, in this article, we will guide you through items to complete this type of Vietnam visa on arrival forms.

Here comes important guide to fill out the Vietnamese visa application form for travelers to Vietnam with visa on arrival:

  1. Full name: Your full name should be written in CAPITAL and match the order shown in your passport.
  2. Sex: male or female
  3. Date of birth: write in DD/MM/YYYY format. (eg. 01/01/1995)
  4. Place of birth: write the name of the city as well as country where you were born
  5. Nationality at birth: provide your nationality when you were born
  6. Current nationality: provide your current nationality as shown in your current passport that you use to apply for your visa approval letter and bring to Vietnam to get visa on arrival
  7. Religion: provide your religion (if any) or “NONE” (if not)
  8. Occupation: this is an optional field. You can leave it blank or fill out your current occupation
  9. Employer and business address: this is also an optional field. You can leave it blank or fill it out
  10. Permanent residential address: provide your address and phone number in your country
  11. Family members: Fill in the relationship, full name in CAPITAL letters, sex, date of birth, nationality and permanent residential address of your family member(s) (parents, spouse, children, and siblings, if any), even they do not travel with you. This information is just for the Immigration Department’s reference in emergency cases ad does not affect your trip.
  12. Passport or international travel document number: Provide your passport number and then its type (popular/diplomatic/official)
  13. Date of previous entry into Vietnam (if any): provide date of your last entry into Vietnam or leave it blank.
  14. Intended date of entry: Fill in your expected arrival date and then fill out your intended length of stay in Vietnam (provided that your expected arrival date is no sooner than the arrival date noted in the visa approval letter and the last date of your stay in Vietnam is not later than the exit date provided in the same)
  15. Purpose of entry: provide the entry purpose noted in your visa approval letter (tourism/ business)
  16. Intended temporary residential address in Vietnam (if any): provide your expected address in Vietnam, it can be the address of your hotel, your relative or your friend.
  17. Hosting organization/individual in Vietnam (if any): provide name and address of your hosting organization/individual in Vietnam (if any) or just write N/A
  18. LVN Groupompanying child(ren) under 14 years old included in your passport (if any): if you have any child under 14 years old sharing your passport, just provide their full name, sex, date of birth and glue two photos of the child. You can leave it blank if you do not have any, or your child(ren) have own passport(s).
  19. Applying for a visa: Just select the type of visa you are using to enter Vietnam (single or multiple entry) and then provide its validity. Those dates are well mentioned in your visa approval letter.
  20. Other requests (if any): Specify any request or just note N/A
  21. “Done at”: Fill in your port of arrival (one of these airports: Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Can Tho, Phu Quoc or Da Lat)
  22. “On”: your actual date of arrival in Vietnam.

You can take a hard copy of this form on the airplane, or when you arrive at Vietnam airport, or in case you are working with a reliable and professional VOA service provider, you will get it together with your visa letter.


--- Gọi ngay 1900.0191 ---

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Công ty Luật LVN - Địa chỉ: Số 16B Nguyễn Thái Học, Yết Kiêu, Hà Đông, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
