Những câu hỏi về lễ hội bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất (Có đáp án)

Các chủ đề nói về lễ hội trong môn học Tiếng Anh là đề bài các em học sinh hay gặp phải trong các kì kiểm tra các kỹ năng nói, viết. Dưới đây là bài viết tham khảo về Những câu hỏi về lễ hội bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất (Có đáp án)

1. Từ vựng tiếng Anh về lễ hội thường gặp:

– Festival: lễ hội

– Parade: diễu hành

– Fireworks: pháo hoa

– Costume: trang phục

– Decoration: trang trí

– Tradition: truyền thống

– Ceremony: nghi lễ

– Music: âm nhạc

– Food: thức ăn

– Dance: khiêu vũ

– Celebration: kỷ niệm

– Performance: biểu diễn

– Crowd: đám đông

– Float: xe diễu hành

– Ritual: nghi thức

– Lantern: đèn lồng

– Mask: mặt nạ

– Games: trò chơi

– Folklore: truyền thuyết dân gian

– Street fair: chợ đường phố.

– Artisan market: chợ thủ công mỹ nghệ

– Religious festival: lễ hội tôn giáo

– Street performers: nghệ sĩ biểu diễn đường phố

– Cultural exchange: trao đổi văn hóa

– Carnival: lễ hội hoa trang (đặc biệt ở Brazil)

– Wine festival: lễ hội rượu vang

– Harvest festival: lễ hội mùa thu hoạch

– Music festival: lễ hội âm nhạc

– Beer festival: lễ hội bia

– Balloon festival: lễ hội khinh khí cầu.

2. Những câu hỏi chung nhất về lễ hội bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất (Có đáp án):

– What is the origin of the festival? Answer: The festival originated from (place or culture).

– When is the festival celebrated? Answer: The festival is celebrated on (date/month/year) or (day of the week).

– What are the main activities or events during the festival? Answer: The main activities or events during the festival are (list of activities or events).

– What is the significance of the festival? Answer: The festival is significant because (reason or history).

– How do people prepare for the festival? Answer: People prepare for the festival by (list of preparations or traditions).

– What is the traditional food or drink associated with the festival? Answer: The traditional food or drink associated with the festival is (name of food or drink).

– What is the dress code for the festival? Answer: The dress code for the festival is (description of traditional or recommended attire).

– How long does the festival last? Answer: The festival lasts for (number of days or weeks).

– What is the estimated number of attendees for the festival? Answer: The estimated number of attendees for the festival is (number of people).

– What is the future of the festival? Answer: The future of the festival is (description of plans or expectations for the festival).

3. Những câu hỏi  về lễ hội bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất (Có đáp án nâng cao):

– What is the history of the festival? Answer: The festival has a rich history that dates back to (centuries/years ago) when (event/person/culture) started the tradition.

– What are the key activities and events during the festival? Answer: There are many activities and events during the festival, including (list of activities/events). Some of the most popular events include (event) and (event).

– What is the significance of the festival to the local community? Answer: The festival is an important cultural event that brings the community together and celebrates (culture/religion/harvest/etc.). It is a time for people to come together and (activity) and (activity).

– What kind of food and drink is typically served at the festival? Answer: The festival is known for its delicious food and drink, including (list of dishes/drinks). Local specialties include (dish/drink) and (dish/drink).

– How do people celebrate the festival? Answer: People celebrate the festival in many different ways, including (list of traditions/customs). Some common customs include (custom) and (custom).

– What is the atmosphere like during the festival? Answer: The atmosphere during the festival is always lively and festive. There is a sense of excitement in the air, and people are often in high spirits.

– How does the festival impact the local economy? Answer: The festival is a major source of revenue for the local economy, as it attracts many tourists and generates business for local vendors and restaurants.

– What kind of music and dance is typically performed during the festival? Answer: The festival features a wide range of music and dance performances, including (list of music/dance styles). Local performers often showcase traditional dances and music.

– What is the dress code for the festival? Answer: There is often a specific dress code for the festival, which may include traditional clothing or costumes. Visitors should check ahead to ensure they are dressed appropriately.

– How has the festival changed over time? Answer: The festival has evolved over the years to incorporate new traditions and activities. However, it still maintains its cultural significance and is an important event for the community.

– What kind of crafts and souvenirs can visitors expect to find at the festival? Answer: Visitors can find a variety of crafts and souvenirs at the festival, such as handmade jewelry, ceramics, textiles, and artwork. Many vendors sell traditional items that are unique to the local area.

– What kind of transportation options are available to get to the festival? Answer: Transportation options vary depending on the location of the festival, but visitors can typically travel by car, bus, or train. Some festivals may also offer shuttle services or parking areas.

– What is the role of volunteers in organizing the festival? Answer: Volunteers play a crucial role in organizing the festival, assisting with tasks such as event setup, crowd control, and cleanup. Without their help, the festival would not be possible.

– Are there any special events or activities for children at the festival? Answer: Many festivals offer special events and activities for children, such as face painting, balloon art, and games. There may also be performances and workshops geared towards younger visitors.

– What is the best time of day to visit the festival? Answer: The best time to visit the festival may vary depending on the specific events and activities scheduled. However, early morning or late afternoon tend to be less crowded and offer a more relaxed atmosphere.

– What is the environmental impact of the festival? Answer: Festivals can have a significant environmental impact due to the large crowds and waste generated. However, many festivals are taking steps to reduce their impact by implementing recycling programs and eco-friendly practices. 

– How can visitors prepare for the weather during the festival? Answer: Visitors should check the weather forecast and dress appropriately for the conditions. It’s also a good idea to bring sunscreen, a hat, and a reusable water bottle.

– What is the role of traditional music and dance in the festival? Answer: Traditional music and dance play an important role in many festivals, as they showcase the culture and heritage of the local community. Performances may be held throughout the festival, or as part of a larger ceremony.

– Are there any restrictions or rules that visitors should be aware of? Answer: Visitors should be aware of any restrictions or rules in place for the festival, such as restrictions on alcohol or prohibited items. It’s also important to respect local customs and traditions.

– How can visitors support the local community during the festival? Answer: Visitors can support the local community by purchasing goods from local vendors, attending cultural events, and respecting the environment. It’s also important to be mindful of the impact that large crowds can have on the community.

4. Bài văn về lễ hội bằng tiếng Anh hay nhất (Có đáp án nâng cao):

4.1 Lễ hội chùa Hương: 

The Perfume Pagoda festival, also known as the Huong Pagoda festival, is an annual event held in Vietnam during the spring season. The festival takes place at the Perfume Pagoda, a complex of Buddhist temples located in Huong Son Commune, My Duc District, Hanoi.

The festival typically lasts for three months, starting from the sixth day of the first lunar month until the end of the third lunar month. During this time, thousands of Buddhist pilgrims and tourists flock to the Perfume Pagoda to pay their respects, pray for good fortune, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the area.

Visitors can participate in a variety of activities during the festival, such as hiking, boating, and visiting various temples and shrines. One of the highlights of the festival is the Huong Tich cave, which is believed to be the most sacred place in the Perfume Pagoda complex. Visitors can take a cable car or hike to the cave, which is adorned with intricate Buddhist statues and carvings.

In addition to its religious significance, the Perfume Pagoda festival also has cultural and historical importance. The festival dates back to the 17th century, and many of its traditions and rituals have been passed down through generations. The festival is a time for people to come together and celebrate their shared beliefs and traditions, while also enjoying the natural beauty of the area.

Overall, the Perfume Pagoda festival is a unique and vibrant celebration of Vietnamese culture and spirituality. It is a must-see event for anyone interested in experiencing the rich history and traditions of Vietnam.

4.2 Lễ hội đua thuyền:

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional holiday in China that has been celebrated for over 2,000 years. The festival is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, which usually falls in June on the Gregorian calendar. One of the main highlights of the festival is the dragon boat race, where teams of paddlers race their elaborately decorated boats down a river or lake.

The history of the dragon boat race can be traced back to a legend about a famous poet and scholar named Qu Yuan. According to the legend, Qu Yuan drowned himself in a river to protest against government corruption. Local people raced their boats to try to save him, and since then, the dragon boat race has become a symbol of bravery and patriotism.

The boats used in the race are typically made of wood and are adorned with dragon heads and tails, as well as bright colors and intricate designs. Each boat is manned by a team of paddlers, a drummer, and a steersman. The drummer sets the pace and rhythm of the paddling, while the steersman directs the boat and helps to navigate through the water.

The dragon boat race is a highly competitive event, and teams train for months in advance to prepare for the race. Spectators gather along the banks of the river or lake to cheer on their favorite teams, and the atmosphere is lively and festive.

In addition to the dragon boat race, the Dragon Boat Festival also includes other traditions and activities, such as eating zongzi (sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves) and hanging up colorful decorations. The festival is a time for people to come together and celebrate their cultural heritage and traditions.

Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival and its iconic dragon boat race are a testament to the rich history and cultural significance of China. The festival is a unique and exciting event that has captured the hearts of people around the world.

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